We would like to announce that we have extended the deadline for initial submissions. If you are interested in submitting a paper for HAICTA 2024, you now have until June 23, 2024 to do so.
If you are interested in submitting a paper for the upcoming HAICTA 2024, make sure to check the updated author instructions that are now live on our website! And don't forget, the deadline for submitting a paper for HAICTA 2024 is on May 19, 2024.
What hase been updated: 1. There are now two versions of the abstract and short paper templates. One for the initial submission and one for the camera-ready. 2. We added an important note to not include any author and affiliation details inside the PDF file of your paper for the initial submission. These kind of details should be added at a later point, after your paper gets accepted for publication and are meant to be included in the camera-ready version of your paper. |