Samos has a lot of Hotels and Airbnbs available to book directly. You can search for them using a search engine like Google, or using popular apps like or Airbnb. If you prefer to stay at the same hotel that will host the HAICTA 2024 International Conference, Samian Mare has the following offer for you.
Located in Karlovasi, Samos Island, Greece, Samian Mare is the Hotel that HAICTA 2024 will be held on. HAICTA has granted special discounts for the accommodation of our participants as follows:
Minimum stay: 3 nights
Double room: 80€/night (incl. breakfast)
Single room: 70€/night (incl. breakfast)
The above prices do not include overnight fee.
Availability is not guaranteed and is subject to change as rooms are being booked.
You can book directly by phone at: +30 22732 00210 or by email at reservation [@] . Don't forget to mention HAICTA 2024 Conference in order for the above prices to take affect.
Minimum stay: 3 nights
Double room: 80€/night (incl. breakfast)
Single room: 70€/night (incl. breakfast)
The above prices do not include overnight fee.
Availability is not guaranteed and is subject to change as rooms are being booked.
You can book directly by phone at: +30 22732 00210 or by email at reservation [@] . Don't forget to mention HAICTA 2024 Conference in order for the above prices to take affect.